
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 

During the unprecedented times we are facing with COVID-19 along with recent events related to the oppression of Black people, youth have been taking action! From online fundraisers to virtual discussions and service initiatives, youth from across the world have been meeting needs and shining their lights in their communities. HOPE worldwide wants to recognize these efforts through an initiative called Youth SpotLIGHT! In this youth led campaign, we’ll be sharing good news about the efforts and impact of HOPE worldwide youth over the past few months. We will be spotlighting the incredible fundraisers for COVID-19 relief like Bald for Bucks and SINGHOPE, the amazing community service that has been taken online like Oné Respé and ENCORE, and so much more! 

We hope that you will take the time to read and share these highlights, and gain even more inspiration to continue to let your light shine in your own community! On behalf of the HOPE worldwide youth, we are so grateful and excited to share with you the things that we have been doing over quarantine! 
As our final Youth SpotLIGHT we wanted to feature the inspiring individuals that volunteered to help make this campaign possible! Great job team!
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