
Hope Worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

Bahamas 2 HVC


Bahamas HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps 2020

Volunteers will serve in Nassau and its surroundings, partnering with organizations involved in disaster rehabilitation.


On September 1, 2019, Hurricane Dorian made landfall in the northern Bahamas as the strongest Atlantic hurricane on record to make landfall when the Category 5 storm left thousands of people without homes and jobs. 


Service and aid to the Nassau community for disaster relief.
Dates: December 19 - December 30, 2020
Price (in US dollars): $1,170 plus flights
Deadline for registration and payment: November 5, 2020
Audience:All generations program. Family friendly. Minimum age of 17 for US volunteers, and 15 for non-US volunteers. US volunteers between the ages of 15 and 17 will need a chaperone over the age of 21. Anyone below the age of 15 will need a parent to accompany them.


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