Over the next few months, God continued to open doors. Fees were waived, a curriculum was created, and the club reached its capacity in just three days. Thanks to the relationships the disciple families had built with other families at the school, parents felt comfortable about their kids being a part of this new adventure. Because of this, these families now have an avenue where they can seek and find Him. It is also a chance for the kids to be introduced to the Bible, feel God's love, and learn how to be a shining light in their school.
Every Thursday after school, Troop #33 meets in the media center to sing songs (with the help of the church's song leader), share scriptures, and play Bible trivia. You can also expect a Bible story stretching activity. No wonder there's a waiting list! It is clear that everyone involved with this club has a genuine heart to teach, serve, and love those kids -- exactly who we want our children looking up to and learning from.
Because of Allison and her husband's willingness to allow God to place dreams and visions on their hearts, more families are being introduced to Jesus and his character. All along, their goal was to use their troop for God's glory and to inspire other families to love and serve like Him. We'd say they're doing just that.
If you are interested in learning more about HOPE worldwide Scouts or how to begin a troop in your congregation, please email Ingrid.Levine@hopeww.org.
For any media-related inquiries, please contact us at media@hopeww.org
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