
Hope Worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

Budapest, Hungary Volunteer Corps 

(July 10 - July 24)



 Budapest, Hungary HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps 2021

Calling all teachers, summer camp assistants, sports leaders, song leaders, kids kingdom coordinators, arts and crafts coordinators and just anyone who loves working with kids! Come and join us in running an experimental learning English camp in the small town of Szendro, in one of the most economically depressed areas of Eastern Europe. 


Only 24% of the people have obtained an elementary school leaving certificate that allows further study. Learning a foreign language enables kids to go on and gain better jobs, and in so doing uplift the regional economy. 

Our aim is to promote English learning in a fun-filled atmosphere so that enrollment in language classes at school will increase and motivate the kids to study English. The previous camp held here led to a doubling of enrollment in English classes at the local elementary school. The camp was especially loved by the minority Roma children — who sang their hearts out to the summer camp songs. They were desperately sad to see us leave and made up the bulk of the new enrollments. 
This is a truly unique opportunity to take part in a super fun but very high-impact program that we in Hungary are really looking forward to. 


The children of the community of Szendro.


AUDIENCE: All-generations program. Family friendly. Minimum age of 17 for US volunteers, and 15 for non-US volunteers. US volunteers aged 15 and 16 will need a chaperone who is over the age of 21. Anyone below the age of 15 will need a parent to accompany them.

Price: $1,170 (not including flights)

Registration and Payment deadline: May 30

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