ONE DAY the sick will be healed
ONE DAY the poor will hear good news
ONE DAY the orphan will be welcomed home
ONE DAY the captive will be set free
ONE DAY the oppressed will have hope
Throughout history visionary leaders have inspired change.
This is our moment to change the world.
“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14
Our world is dramatically changing. No matter where you live; from the streets of Chicago, the markets in Asia, the villages of Africa to the suburbs of London, our communities are desperately in need of hope. We are not a people who sit idly by. We are a people of action bringing hope to the poor and needy around the world. Join us in Chicago, October 6th and 7th for two days of inspiration, education and communication. Find out how you can be a part of the solution in our troubled world. Together, we can make a difference; together we can change the world.
Together we will make ONE DAY a reality for a hurting world.
The ONE DAY vision of HOPE worldwide starts with a two-day conference in Chicago.
Make the ONE DAY dream a reality by registering TODAY.
This invitation is for you! We are inviting everyone to join us for this time of inspiration. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!