
HOPE worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

Global Service Interns

2024 Class

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2023 Class

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2022 Class

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2021 Class

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2020 Class

Sam Berensohn
My name is Sam Berensohn and I’m 19 years old from Seattle, WA. This year I’ll be a sophomore studying Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.

I had the privilege of serving in Vancouver in 2017 and Bolivia in 2019. Both of these trips played pivotal roles in transforming the way I view service in my walk with God. These experiences have shown me how service is so much more than another item to check off the list, but a genuine opportunity to connect with God. There is no better way to live out our faith than to serve and love others as Jesus did. I am incredibly honored to serve as a GSI, and I cannot wait to see how God works through the HVC programs around the world!

Juliana Duimstra
My name is Juliana Duimstra and I am a third year student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada studying Studio Art and seeking a minor in Psychology. 
I went on my first HYC in Philadelphia in 2016 where I first had the opportunity to serve. Getting to serve those less fortunate than I filled me with conviction that service needs to be a part of my daily life as a disciple. From there I served on the Haiti HVC in 2018 and 2019 which really changed my perspective on poverty and luxury and allowed me to see how much I have to learn from children and from people in cultures different than mine. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to continue learning and to serve in this program!

Seth Hernandez
Hello, my name is Seth Hernandez and I am a second year psychology student with a minor in communications at the University of Cincinnati. I was born and raised in Cancun Mexico, and I had the opportunity to move to the U.S. when I was 16 and been living there ever since. Growing up in Mexico I was exposed to poverty in my surroundings time after time, never really knowing what to do about it or how to help. Last summer I found an answer, service. I had the chance to participate on a
HVC in Haiti, and I learned so much from that experience. It reminded me of what service means, being able to genuinely put others people's needs in front of me. Jesus came to serve, and it's through that service that He shows us the most powerful thing on this earth, perfect love. I feel extremely honored and excited to be part of this program and being able to serve and show God's love around the world.

Mac Jessen
Hi! My name is Mackenzie Jessen but people call me Mac, I am from Toronto, Canada but currently living on the east coast of Canada in Halifax. I am going into my 3rd year at NSCAD University where I study interdisciplinary design.

Being apart of Hope Worldwide I have had the privilege to serve overseas in Haiti, New Zealand and Nepal. This was something I never had experienced in my life ever before, being able to see and feel the need of poverty was eye-opening. Working with people who live their lives in a state of constant need was where I saw how significant serving was for myself. It isn’t just the act of helping people in poverty but it is the realization that when I give, I actually receive. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me as I embark on a new journey as a GSI!

Joey Johnson
My name is Joey Johnson, I am a junior studying to be a nurse in Bloomington, Indiana. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and grew up there. In 2012 my family moved to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for 10 months and my understanding of the world was transformed.
In Ethiopia, I got to go to an international school where I was blessed with the opportunity to make friends from cultures all over the world. The world I thought I knew became so much larger and so much more diverse. I also got to witness some of the most extreme poverty in the world. Living in Addis, everyday I encountered poverty from old and disabled people lying on the sides of the road to children my own age, homeless, asking for money and food. In 2017 when I graduated high school, I took an opportunity to go back in Africa with HOPE worldwide and serve on the volunteer corps in Zambia and again in 2019 in Kenya. Now I am more than excited to go love and serve people around the world and in my own country living in poverty as a GSI for HOPE. 

Gabe Jung
My name is Gabe Jung and I'm currently a junior at University of Toronto in Canada. Im pursuing a double major in Political Science and Philosophy with aspirations to become a lawyer! Although I live in Toronto, Canada, my true home is in Winnipeg, Canada! 

I've done a couple HOPE Trips in the past few years, Chicago HYC in 2016, and Malaysia HVC in 2018 and they have been amazing experiences. While in Malaysia, I learned a lot about giving, service and leadership, and the trip really spurred me to serve and lead in a bigger way; and GSI was the perfect opportunity for me to do just that. I am absolutely humbled and honored to be apart of this great program and team, and I am so stoked to learn and grow even more in the upcoming years.

Nora Nadam
My name is Nora. I am originally from Stockholm Sweden, although I am currently a part of a mission planting in Uppsala where I study Psychology. I have loved getting to connect and help people throughout the volunteer corps I have done so far. Besides this passion I also love music and dancing.

I feel honored and challenge to now be a part of the GSI program and I cannot wait to do it with God on my side. I know that I will learn valuable lessons on what God’s love truly is about. I want to grow in that understanding to then pass it on and spread hope to people in need. 

Maya Oshunbiyi
Hi! My name is Maya Oshunbiyi and I’m from London. I’m going into my final year at King’s College London where I study International Development.

In 2018, I served on the Agricultural Corps in Zambia, where I learned a lot about the role service plays in discipleship. Service makes me more aware of the extra effort Jesus made to love others during his life on earth and I have so much to learn from his heart of selflessness. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve as a GSI as well as the daily service opportunities God provides me with.

Wesley Tan
Hello! I’m Wesley Tan from Singapore, and I’m currently in my second year of university at Singapore University of Social Sciences, majoring in Social Work.
In 2018, I embarked on my first HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps in Penang where we served certain marginalised communities and refugees. Today, I’m inspired to wanna do more and to serve in a different capacity so that others may have the privilege of doing God’s works as well.
As the scriptures says, there’ll always be poor in the land. Therefore, we should always be looking out for them!

Vanessa Wu
Hello! My name is Vanessa Wu and I am a third-year student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. I’m taking a combined major of Sociology and Communication Studies with a minor in Business Administration. I was born and raised in Singapore, but has since moved to Boston for college.

Growing up, I've had the privilege to serve on HVCs in India 2013, Philippines 2015, and Malaysia 2018 – and God could not have revealed His heart to me clearer every single time. Being a recipient of God’s grace and a witness to His power of changing lives through HOPE worldwide moves me to share the same joy and love to others as well. Jesus came on this earth to show what life in the kingdom of God looked like, and I hope to do the same by emulating Jesus’ acts of service. As an intern, it is my dream for others to feel God’s love and be enlightened by the joys of service. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and learn from the GSI program!

2019 Class

Isabel Arcellana
My name is Isabel Arcellana and I'm a Junior at SMU in Dallas, Texas. I'm a double major in Journalism and Fashion Media with a minor in Graphic Design. I was born in Manila, Philippines, have lived in Thailand, but have resided in Texas since 2006.
Growing up in a different country, I was surrounded by intense poverty, which had a lasting impact on me. After going on HYC in both Dallas and Alaska, I realized how much need there was in the world, both near and far. HOPE worldwide has always held a special place in my heart and I'm absolutely honored and humbled to be a part of this program. I'm grateful that God keeps giving me new opportunities to serve and encourage and I can't wait to see what God has in store!

Sebastian Buck Germany
Hey, I’m Sebastian Buck, but most people call me Seb. I currently live in Berlin, Germany, where I’m a junior at the Free University Berlin. I study political science and international relations, with the dream of becoming a diplomat. 
In 2016, I participated in a multi-week service program in Philadelphia. I went into the program thinking I was fine, that I was living a life according to the gospel and overall in a good place with God. However, spending each day serving does something to you. Personally, it led to to me becoming a disciple, me going on my first HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps in Cambodia in 2017, and me now being able to introduce myself to you as a GSI. I feel honored to be part of this program and I’m ecstatic to pursue my passion for service through it even further. 

Alex Cameron United Kingdom
Hey! I’m Alex Cameron and I’m in my second year of university, studying Economics at King’s College London.

After I graduated, I took part in the 2016 Nepal HYC and then flew straight to India to serve for 4 months in an orphanage. It was the craziest adventure of my life but I loved being able to see and understand that joy and peace are not based on circumstance, but on a firm grasp of God’s love for us. So excited to see how God moves through the HVC program!


Audrey Cariven France
Bonjour! My name is Audrey Cariven and I am from France. I will be graduating with a degree in foreign language, literature and civilization from Paris III University.
I had the privilege to be a part of the Bangalore, India 2018 Volunteer Corps. After this HVC, I came back changed and full of dreams for the future and my country. 
Before that trip, I would look at poverty in my city, hear stories from all over the world and feel broken and helpless, like things would never change. However, my trip to India made me realize that all I can do is keep trying wholeheartedly to make a small difference wherever I am, keep serving joyfully and loving people selflessly around me with Jesus as my example. 
I can’t wait to continue to serve and learn from these programs! All the glory to God 


Luisa Garcia
My name is Luisa Garcia and I’m a Sophomore at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS. I am studying Environmental Science and Spanish. 
After the 2017 HVC in Haiti, the way I saw God, my walk with Him and other people changed in a revolutionary way. When you’re truly able to put your worries, insecurities and comforts to the side, Jesus can work so powerfully in your heart and the hearts of others. It's crazy to think that even though Jesus was the Son of God, he was also the most genuine and pure servant to ever live. I really believe in the mission and intention of HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps, and I am honored and excited to be serving as a GSI.

Haley Glenn 
I’m Haley Glenn and I am a fourth-year student studying Human Services at Northeastern University in Boston. 
Being a part of HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps programs truly has opened my eyes. It has taken me to places beyond my wildest dreams and allowed me to form friendships better than anything I ever could have imagined. Most importantly of all, it has pushed me out of my comfort zone as I learned how to better imitate Jesus' heart. I believe that service isn’t just a “bonus activity” we do as Christians, but, rather, a conviction centered at the core of our faith. I am grateful for programs like HVC and people who strive to live lives characterized by loving anyone anywhere. I am so thankful for the opportunity to learn through the GSI team. 

Fionn Harney United Kingdom
My name is Fionn, I am 21 years old and I am in my final year studying sports science at Brunel University in London, with plans to complete a graduate degree in physiotherapy.  

In summer of 2018, I was able to serve on a HVC to Bangalore, India, an incredibly moving experience and one I will never forget. Seeing such poverty was deeply saddening, yet there was so much hope in seeing how Christ was still able to shine bright in these communities. Seeing the tireless work of HOPE worldwide staff and their dedication to God through their service to the poor was inspiring and something I desired to imitate. I can’t wait to get down to work and feel very blessed to be able to lead one of these programs in the future.

Christopher Lo Thailand
Hi, my name is Christopher Lo and I am studying biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego. I was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand but am a Singaporean citizen. I am passionate about biomedical research of novel therapeutics to treat diseases.
I feel excited to serve as a GSI because I believe in HVC's potential to impact the lives of both its participants as well as the communities being served. I am convinced that Christ shines best through us when we are focused on giving our time, energy, and heart to others. I look forward to the opportunities to learn, grow, and work together with HVC participants.


Daniel Lopez USA/Cambodia
Hey! My name is Daniel Lopez, and I am a first-year student at Pepperdine University, pursuing a B.S. in International Business, a minor in Non-Profit Management, and a certificate in Conflict Management. 
If there is one thing that discipleship has taught me, it is that my life is not my own. From my first HYC in Alaska 2016, God revealed to me what it really meant to be loved by Him— but also to love others in that way. Also, having been born and raised in southeast Asia until the age of 13, I was blessed with the opportunity to serve on a HVC in my hometown of Phnom Penh, Cambodia this past winter. As a GSI, it is my dream to help others see how amazing it truly is to live their life for God!


Renee Louis Singapore/USA
My name is Renee Louis and I am a senior in the Sociology department of Princeton University with a minor in statistics and machine learning. I am originally from Singapore but have lived in different parts of Southeast Asia before coming to New Jersey for college. Growing up, I was not a stranger to poverty and its devastations nor the incredible love and hope that disciples spread in its midst. Growing older, the brokenness of the world becomes harder for me to ignore but so does the power and light of the Holy Spirit. HOPE worldwide and its' opportunities have come to occupy a very personal place in my relationship with God and through participating in HVCs, God has humbled me, shaped me, matured me, and made Himself known to me. It is my honor and joy to serve and learn through the GSI program.

Ephesians 3:20-21


Carla Mogrovejo Bolivia
My name is Carla Mogrovejo and I am pursuing a degree in Literature with expectations to focus on teaching and education. I was born and raised in La Paz, Bolivia and I became a disciple at 16 years old.

In 2015, HOPE worldwide launched the first HVC in my city and I was able to be part of the local staff, which meant I was part of the service that transformed my heart and directed me to the purpose of living like Christ. In 2017, I served on staff for another HVC in La Paz, and and in 2018 I was able to participate in the first HVC in Rurrenabaque. Through these experiences, I saw that HVC create hearts convicted to change the world. For me, being a GSI is a privilege and a crazy dream come true! I am so grateful for what I will be able to learn and do through this experience. 

Sarah Tan Singapore
Hello! My name is Sarah, I’m 21 years old and from sunny Singapore. 
I am currently a Year 2 student in Lasalle College of the Arts pursuing a degree in Design Communication. 
Last year I had the great privilege to be part of the HVC in Nepal. Serving alongside some amazing volunteers, I saw first hand what it meant to love and serve as Christ did. It was such a great opportunity to serve in a personal way.
Since then i’ve been learning that service was absolutely crucial in Jesus’ ministry, and how he works powerfully through it! I feel absolutely honored to be able to learn and serve in this capacity as a GSI!


Ethan Woon
USA / Hong Kong
My name is Ethan! I’m currently in my second year as an Accounting major with a certificate in Social Innovation at the University of Arizona. HVC has changed my life and my relationship with God in fantastic ways. Each trip has shown me the many opportunities God has given me to serve, including the opportunity to serve as a GSI for HOPE worldwide. Since my first trip to serve on HYC China, I’ve been inspired me to do even more for God, whether it be studying the Bible with others or starting a non-profit chapter. I’m super excited to be serving and helping others be inspired by the same things that God has helped me see that changed my life.

Nathanael Zroh 
My name is Nathanael Zroh, I'm originally from Ivory Coast and living in Montreal, Canada. I’m in my 3rd year of university, studying Industrial engineering at Polytechnique Montreal.

I had the privilege to go to HVC in Haiti in 2018. It was beautiful to see people coming from all over the world to serve. During this trip, I saw lives being transformed, hearts being renewed, zeal being reignited, all because of service. This experience really showed me how God works so powerfully when we decide to serve.

I’m so thrilled to be part of the GSI program, to learn, to give wholeheartedly and to witness God changing lives.

2018 Class

Eleanor Berensohn

Eleanor led the HVC in Hawaii. She is from Seattle and currently finishing her studies at the University of Washington for Communications. Eleanor will be leading Daytona Beach this Christmas.

Steffi Cheong

Steffi will be leading HVC in Malaysia this Christmas. She is from Singapore and is pursuing her degree in Psychology at Murdoch University in Singapore.
Eleanor Frost
United Kingdom

Eleanor led HVC in Winnipeg. She is currently in London finishing her studies at King’s College London for International Development.
Xander Jung

Xander led the HVC in Winnipeg and Romania. He is finishing his degree in Finance and Economics, with a minor in Political Science at the University of Toronto. Xander will be leading Daytona Beach this Christmas.
Mark Llorens

Mark led the HVC in Hawaii. He is currently finishing his studies in the Finance program in Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.  
Dylan Panacheril

Dylan is leading the first HVC to New Zealand. He is Zambian, Indian, and Australian, but is now finishing his studies in Engineering and Biomedical Science in Melbourne, Australia.

Santiago Rios

Santiago has led HVC in Bolivia, and is doing it again. He is currently finishing his studies at the University of Maryland for International Relations. Santiago will be leading Nepal this Christmas.
Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth led HVC in Philadelphia and Mexico. She was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, but raised in Wisconsin. She has now returned to Jakarta after graduating, and is now a 1st grade teacher there. Elizabeth will be leading Nepal this Christmas.

Madison Stringer

Madison led HVC in Haiti, and is doing it again. She is Canadian and French, and is currently a pre-med student at the University of Lyon.
Joshua Vett

Joshua led HVC in Philadelphia and Mexico. He was born in the U.S. and is currently finishing his studies in Digital Communications in San Antonio at UTSA.

2017 Class

Daniel Ajetunmobi
United Kingdom

Daniel Ajetunmobi-245010-edited.jpg

Daniel led HVC in Philadelphia, Zambia and Daytona Beach. He is from London, and is finishing University there. Daniel will be leading Malaysia this Christmas.
Melina Cruz


Melina led HVC in Bolivia. She is from Canada, but is now married, and now serving in Virginia Tech. She is helping to lead the campus ministry part-time at Virginia Tech and Radford University with her husband Benjamin, and also completing her Masters in Clinical Counseling. She will be leading the HVC in the Philippines this Christmas. 
David Fleurant
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David led HVC in Vancouver, Philadelphia, and Kenya. He grew up in Kenya, but lives in San Antonio. He’s graduated, and getting married very soon.

Emma Fridley

Emma Senior Pic at Fence-188780-edited.jpg

Emma led HVC in Philly, Zambia, and Chicago. She is currently in Boston, Massachusetts, finishing up her last year of Biochemistry and will go to the University of Colorado in Denver next year for grad school for Physician Assistant studies.

Joy Garcia

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Joy led HVC in Bolivia, Alaska, and Vancouver. She is now living and studying in Kansas.
Louis Le Noan
Louis Le Noan-506360-edited.jpg

Louis led HVC in Haiti twice. He is from France, and still lives there as a teacher.

2016 Class

Zaynab Atsegbua
United Kingdom/ Nigeria / USA

Zaynab led HVC in Chicago, Philadelphia, and Cambodia. She now lives in London as a teacher, and is leading the trip to New Zealand this Christmas.
Mariah Boger 

Mariah led HVC in Philadelphia, Haiti, Alaska, and Romania. She graduated from Purdue University with a BS in Developmental & Family Science, with a concentration in child development and a minor in communication. She is currently in Newark, New Jersey working at an inner city charter middle school with Americorps.

Howard Cheng


Howard led HVC in Papua New Guinea and Nepal. He is from Australia, and is currently still there serving full-time in the Campus Ministry in Sydney, Australia.

Hannah Desouza
United Kingdom


Hannah led HVC in Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Zambia. She is from London but is now currently leading the singles ministry in one of the regions in Boston, Massachusetts.
Haley Eskew

Haley led HVC in China and Daytona Beach. She is working as an engineer in Atlanta, and is now dating a brother she met on HVC.

David Louis


David led HVC in Jakarta, India, Jamaica, and Canada. He is now finishing school in College Station A&M, and is getting married in December.

Marin Lusk


Marin led HVC in Vancouver and Jakarta. She is now finishing nursing school in Colorado.

Matthew Ruppert


Matt led HVC in Hungary, Nepal and Philadelphia. He is from New Jersey, and is now married and serving in the full-time Campus Ministry as the campus minister in New York.

Tristen Sleeper


Tristen led HVC in Philly and Bolivia. He currently lives in Boston and is working at Education First, a global educational travel company. 

Sean Tan


Sean led HVC in Philadelphia, Thailand, and Cambodia. He is from Singapore, is finishing university, and just recently got married.

Zherui (Malcolm) Tan


Malcom led HVC in China and Cambodia. He is currently in Boston, MA. and is a senior in college, graduating in Spring next year.

Kiara Yeatman


Kiara led HVC in Jamaica, Nepal, and Philadelphia. She was born in Italy, but lives in the U.S. and is currently enrolled in medical school.

2015 Class

Becca Budgett

United Kingdom


Becca led HVC in Hungary, Nepal, India, and Jamaica. She was born in London and still lives there today.

Sahai Fleurant
United States/Kenya


Sahai has led HVC in Philadelphia, and Kenya many times. She was born in Kenya, but lives in the U.S. and just graduated from nursing school.

Noah Kreider
United States / Canada


Noah led HVC in Bolivia, Croatia and the Philippines. He graduated from York University, lives currently in Toronto, Canada, and is taking a year off to figure out his next steps.

Jiah Park
United States


Jiah led HVC in Hawaii, Philly, Croatia, Chicago, and Nepal. She lives in Los Angeles, and is now in graduate school at UCLA. 

Eric Roberson
United States


Eric led HVC in Hawaii, Zambia, and Chicago many times. He now lives and works for HOPE worldwide in Chicago.

Dennis Wachira


Dennis led HVC in Kenya, Jamaica, and Zambia. He now lives in Kansas, is married, and continuing his career as a physiotherapist. 

2014 Class

Aaron Arcilla 


Aaron led HVC in the Philippines and India. He is now married to Esther (met on HVC) and together they lead the Youth and Family Ministry full-time in Melbourne, Australia.

Ryan Bovard 
United States


Ryan led HVC in Hawaii. He is currently in North Carolina, is married, and works in non-profit organizations.

Hannah (Burke) Schachinger
United States


Hannah led several HVC. She is now living in Atlanta, and is now married and pursuing her career in journalism. 

Amalia Del Cid


Amalia led HVC in South Africa Durban and Kingston Jamaica. She is currently in Toronto, Canada as an Elementary School teacher.

Rachel Louis


Rachel led HVC in Malaysia, Jakarta, and Philadelphia. She was born in Singapore and is currently teaching Elementary School there.

Kevin Lum
United States


Kevin led several HVC. He is now married and leading full-time in the Youth and Family Ministry in Kentucky.

Josiah Lung
United States


Josiah led HVC in Jamaica and China. He was born in the U.S. and remains in Boston today. He graduated from Boston College in May 2017 and has been working for the last year and and a half at EF Education First in Cambridge, MA.

Alexandra Mobeka
United States


Alexandra served on several HVC, and is now working in Washington D.C.

Martin Philix


Martin led HVC in India and Jakarta. He was born in Singapore and is  a graduate of the National University of Singapore with a major in Chemistry.

Emily Shapiro
United States


Emily led HVC in Philly and Budapest. She was born in the U.S. and spent time working in the full-time ministry and even for HOPE worldwide, but is now transitioning to a new career path.

Nick Shoff
United States


Nick led HVC in Kenya. He was born in the U.S. and is now married and leading full-time as the Campus Minister in Atlanta, Georgia.

Esther Arcilla
India/United States/Australia


Esther led HVC in India, China, and the Philippines. She was born in India, and grew up in both India and England. She is now married to Aaron Arcilla (met on HVC) and together they lead the Youth and Family Ministry full-time in Melbourne, Australia.

Jared Vassallo


Jared led HVC in Malaysia, Hungary, and Fiji. He leads the Singles Ministry in his hometown in Melbourne, Australia. 

Brandon Yi
United States


Brandon led Philadelphia HVC for many years. He grew up in South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines until he moved to the U.S. He is now married and leads full time in the Youth and Family Ministry in Boston, Massachusetts. 
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