
Hope Worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

Haiti HSC

Imagine Christmas day being no different than any other day. Imagine the impossibility of spending time with your family. Unfortunately, that is what a lot of orphans around the world experience at Christmas time. The HOPE worldwide Singles Corps is offering an opportunity to bring a smile to a child's face not because of anything other than by being present. The Haiti HOPE worldwide Singles Corps, which usually takes place in the spring, will be taking place during the Christmas season this year from December 22-30, 2017.   

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In James 1:27 it states, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress”.   At no other times do we resemble our Father more than when we take the time to care for others; especially orphans and widows. Children in this orphanage range from 1 – 12 years old. It is largely run by volunteers including the owner who has sacrificed not only her time, but also her money in taking care of these children. This woman lived in the United States for years and received her pastoral degree at Boston University. She moved back to Haiti and now runs the orphanage through donations. She has helped these children develop a sense of family. This was evident during our last visit - as the kitchen staff served the food, the older ones ensured that the younger ones had eaten before getting in line.  
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As with any other orphanage, these children crave love and attention. Members of the Singles Corps will have the opportunity to meet that need through one-on-one time and various activities such as coloring, face painting, dance classes, and soccer matches. This truly will be a treat for these children as they usually spend Christmas day as they would any other day. 

The next group of orphans lives locally. They are teenagers between the ages of 16-18 years old who live in the Village of Hope. Their home is in close proximity to where the Singles Corps members will be staying. In Haiti orphanages are obligated to turn kids 16 years and older into the streets. Most of these kids with no other options often become street kids. Through HOPE worldwide , a few candidates are chosen and are given the opportunity to live in the Village of Hope and learn a trade. The HSC members will be able to inspire and encourage these kids through various activities such as music, dancing, gardening, and  self-care classes. The members and the teens will have the opportunity to assist with some minor landscaping in the Village.

For our Singles Corps members it will be a memorable week of service, but for the orphans it will be the highlight of their year.  Join us for HOPE worldwide Single Corps Christmas 2017!

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