
Hope Worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

Batam, Indonesia Volunteer Corps 

(December 18 - December 31)



Indonesia HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps 2021

Join us for a two-week-long service opportunity where we will serve at the Batam orphanage (Center of Hope, COH) and its surrounding community. We will be partnering with the Batam church to plan activities so as to engage the surrounding community and build support for the work of HOPE worldwide in Batam. We’re also planning on developing an urban garden and painting specific areas in the COH to foster a warm and welcoming environment.


The HOPE worldwide Batam orphanage is fully funded by the Central Christian Church of Singapore, and volunteers have been serving for years. It would bring a time of refreshment and encouragement for the orphanage and the church to see you come and serve at such a meaningful time of year.


Service to the Batam orphanage and the surrounding community.

NOTE: The participants will fly into Singapore and then will be taken by ferry to Batam. At the end of the service time, they will return to Singapore. Those who want to stay longer and celebrate New Year in Singapore will be most welcome, but they will have to make their own arrangements.

AUDIENCE: All-generations program. Family friendly. Minimum age of 17 for US volunteers, and 15 for non-US volunteers. US volunteers aged 15 and 16 will need a chaperone who is over the age of 21. Anyone below the age of 15 will need a parent to accompany them.
Price: $1,100 (not including flights)
Registration and Payment deadline: Nov 5


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