The volunteers will serve at an elementary school in Embu, a county in rural Kenya. We ran two very successful HVC’s at the same school in 2018 and 2019. Embu County is located approximately 125 kilometers northeast of Nairobi (Kenya’s Capital), towards Mount Kenya. Apart from being an academic center, the school is home to 20 orphans who solely depend on the school administration and well-wishers to provide for all their needs. Participants will help beautify the school, make a kitchen garden, and set up a school library. They will also spend time with the children by playing games, sharing devotionals, mentoring, and bonding through arts, crafts, and music.
If you are passionate about mentoring young people, we are planning a motivational career day targeting Grade 8 candidates who will be preparing to do their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education National Exams. We also want to encourage elementary teachers to attend this trip and participate in a skills sharing workshop to help teachers compare best practices in primary school education and learn from one another in a rich cross-cultural experience. In addition, we’ll take a tour of the HOPE
worldwide Kenya’s site office in Embu County. The volunteers will also be fed spiritually as they meet with and spend time with Nairobi and Embu church members.
Here is a video from our 2018 HVC:
Watch Now.
The interactions between the volunteers and the rural community of Embu will benefit all as we learn from one another and expand our perspective of different cultures. The volunteers will provide much-needed encouragement but will also be encouraged themselves.
Service to the rural Modern School in Embu, both children and teachers.
AUDIENCE: All generations and demographics. Minimum age of 17 for U.S. volunteers, and 15 for non-U.S. volunteers. U.S. volunteers aged 15 and 16 will need a chaperone who is over the age of 21. Anyone below the age of 15 will need a parent to accompany them.
Price: $1,170 (not including flights)
Registration and Payment deadline:
May 15
For any media-related inquiries, please contact us at media@hopeww.org
HOPE worldwide , Ltd. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.
Tax ID number (EIN): 04-3129839
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