Participants serve in a myriad of different ways. They bandage the wounds of leprosy patients, perform street plays about child abuse, care for orphans and the homeless, clean and repair orphanages and clinics, assist medical personnel, teach English and math classes, build homes for hurricane and earthquake victims, and encourage the elderly, the sick, and the lonely.
Among the many benefits participants receive from serving on HYC are lifelong friendships and memories, a heightened sense of purpose, greater self-confidence and independence, and a better understanding of the world and cultural differences. Many who volunteer through HYC go on to become nurses, doctors, teachers, counselors, or work with HOPE worldwide
and other NGOs to bring much-needed attention and assistance to the developing world. Through their experiences with HYC, student volunteers deepen their compassion and gain a profound appreciation for what they have been given in their own lives. Fundamentally, HOPE Youth Corps builds a future generation of leaders who seek to improve the lives of those in need.
“Helping the poor is part of our Christianity. It is not an option. Jesus was always with the poor. I am convicted by the gratitude I saw in people on HYC…I want to go on a mission team, take a risk and grab opportunities to serve. I want to have no regrets. I also want to grow in humility through this kind of service.” – Alexandro Holguin, New Mexico, USA
“I came back from HOPE Youth Corps inspired to give my all in life, to push myself to do my very best in all aspects of my life. I decided that I wanted to build a stronger connection with God and that I would dedicate my life to help others with kindness.” – Maydeline Suherlan, Indonesia.