Winnipeg HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps 2021
Summer 2021 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, will be focused on imitating how Jesus loves us … through compassion and selflessness. And that focus will empower us as we
pour out our hearts and serve children experiencing intense levels of instability , tragedy and trauma.
HOPE worldwide Canada in Winnipeg strives to fill that gap by offering children in care a summer day camp as a break from their unstable circumstances... and HVC volunteers are the camp counselors that make the day camp possible!
We will play with, encourage and listen to the children, teach them life skills, mentor them on how to build friendships and take them on field trips all while making them laugh and helping them find enjoyment in our time together. The day camp will provide lasting memories these children will carry with them throughout their lives.
We will also soak up the amazing summer weather Winnipeg is known for with plenty of excursions outside and other fun activities unique to Winnipeg.