Hope Worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

HOPE worldwide Singles Corps

HOPEww Current News

By HOPE Youth Corps/ HOPEww Singles Corps November 14, 2017
Read some of the stories of the courageous women we met in Africa
By Hope Worldwide January 24, 2017
Ignatius Beard is a single brother from Maine. He served on the HOPE worldwide Singles Corps in Sri Lanka over Christmas. Read about his trip... I went on my first HOPE worldwide Singles Corp (HSC) adventure, and first overseas trip, to Sri Lanka in December This experience simply changed my life in many ways! Now, weeks later, I still feel inspired, and ready to incorporate this trip’s wisdom and serving heart into my home ministry. As I arrived in Sri Lanka, I was quickly confronted with how my heart measures up to our Lord’s heart. Having not experienced a developing world setting before, I got instantly distracted by what I witnessed: lack of fresh water, lack of common toiletries, of sanitation, and of organized trash systems, among many other things. I was certainly surprised by this, but what shocked me even more and left a permanent impression were the expressions of joy and peace on the local people’s faces throughout our time there. I quickly learned of the many blessings that I took for granted daily. The local disciples gave me so much wisdom, truly showing me what is important (loving one another, the lost, and the poor), and how to be thankful for each day. Having fully embraced this environment, I truly LOVED our service projects! First we travelled to the elementary HOPE school to renovate, paint an outside mural, and repaint the walls inside. Before this hard work, we got the chance to have fun with the kids; I still remember their smiles and laughter!
By Hope Worldwide January 9, 2017
The first three days were spent serving in our HOPE worldwide preschool for disadvantaged children. The volunteers were building bookshelves, teaching simple lessons, painting gigantic murals, repainting fading ugly brick walls, teaching hygiene and parenting lessons. We ended our time there with a heartwarming Christmas party, and a surprise visit from Santa Claus to the children!
By Hope Worldwide December 1, 2016
Kasia Kedzia recently returned from the 2016 South Africa Singles Corps. She reflects on the fact that serving others with a compassionate heart is often one of the best way to heal ourselves. Reprinted with permission from https://kkedzia.wordpress.com .
By Hope Worldwide November 15, 2016
Katelynn Grim has just returned from serving on the South Africa HOPE worldwide Singles Corps and shares how the experience helped her connect to the compassionate heart of Jesus in a new way.
By Hope Worldwide November 15, 2016
Justin Schrenk has just come back from South Africa, where he served on the HWW Singles Corps. It is so heartwarming to see young men share the compassionate heart of God! Serving the poor internationally through HOPE worldwide has quickly become a major highlight in my 8.5 years since becoming a Christian. It is a program I have come to believe in, as I have seen the impact firsthand in Guatemala, Nepal, and most recently, South Africa. HOPE worldwide is truly shining as a light in these communities. It is bringing more than just financial means. They are bringing full hearts and faces the community has learned to love and trust.
By Hope Worldwide March 26, 2016
As I woke up to travel to Haiti, for a mission trip with HOPE worldwide Singles Corps, I looked around at my room, my car, my family, my dogs, and everything I have. I took note of what I take for granted every day and knew it would only be a week away from all the comforts of living my life in the states. This would be my second trip with HWW to Haiti. Haiti holds a special place in my heart. Many of my friends are from Haiti and what better way to show them how much they mean to me than by serving in their country. I was leaving my comfy bed, running water, hot showers, A/C, mosquito free home, and abundance of food for a hard bed covered by a mosquito net, a toilet that doesn’t flush without the assistance of water being dumped in it, cold bucket showers, heat in morning, noon, and night, and food served on other’s timing.
By Hope Worldwide March 17, 2016
What do we really want out of serving others? Do we really do it for their sake or just to feel good about ourselves? The world is so vast and so many people need help; so how do you choose where, and when to go? I wanted an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and do work out of my direct vicinities. I wanted to be able to meet people from other cultures and share/help in the struggle they face. I wanted to be a vessel ready for God’s work. I chose Nepal, because I used to work for a Non-profit Organization that helped refugee children get adjusted in the US. A lot of the Children we worked with were Nepali/Bhutanese. I wanted a chance to see the country of these kids that had captured my heart. This trip made me realize that God will stretch us beyond what we think we could do. I was sick and in pain for almost the entirety of the trip, which made it difficult for me to have a serving attitude. Nonetheless, God tugged at my heart to just look past the physical and mental pain and see the vast reach He has. Here I was surrounded by a group of people from all over the world, who individually responded to the call of God to go in a foreign land and minister to strangers and to other brothers and sisters. The trip was adventurous; we started it with a trekking experience. This was one great icebreaker; I know many people connected through this experience. Along the same line, the great adventure of the trip was working at the HOPE worldwide School. My Lord, What am I doing here? If you ever ask yourself the question, pause and look around. Amazingly, being there in Nepal despite what seemed unfavourable living conditions, etc., it was a small taste of what Heaven could be like. I was surrounded with people that share the same mind, and desire to serve. God used these people to remind me that it was not about me, that I was there for a work He had prepared ahead for me (as Ephesians 2:10 mentions). God wanted me to remember to share in the spirit with others, to value those that were less fortunate or even my peers, and share the blessings/gifts I have received. Seeing people willing to let go of SELF, to focus on others, and take hold of the task at hand, created moments of awe for me. There are no real words to describe it, as I believe this is personal to each. I loved the devotionals in the morning before we headed out to help at the school. I loved hearing the kids sing when one of us taught the class. I loved seeing so many of us, volunteers, humbling into doing whatever work was asked of them. I liked the fact that we addressed the issues we saw as we worked and did not focus only on the original plan, but all were willing to go beyond to accomplish the work original designed and more. I was profoundly stricken and humbled in my entitled behaviour by seeing how, even though we were there to serve, the Nepali people served us more; it was mind-boggling, delightful, and uncomfortable at the same time. This was truly the most personal touch for me. To see the contentment and unassuming attitude of these people, reminding me that I was gaining more from this experience than I was giving. As I was thinking of where I was and what I was doing I realize how grateful I was that God had me in this community of believers and that we had a program such as HOPE worldwide that could help me go almost anywhere around the world to minister to people I may have never gotten a chance to see. Nepal, certainly kept a piece of me. I cannot imagine not having had this experience. Though it was hard to come back to the U.S.A. and tryimg to get back in my routine, I do not look at it as a negative side effect of my trip, but more as a continuous reminder to seek out where else God would like for me to use my serving gifts. So, as long as God allows it, I want to be able to go back to Nepal or to other places and serve and minister to those that meet my path. They are many opportunities, many of them next door to you. We are, as believers, called to share our faith and through serving we have an opportunity to do that. Maybe you can’t do/afford HOPEww, maybe you need to budget, or fundraise… but if in fact there is something you could do to go, why wouldn’t you?
By Hope Worldwide March 1, 2016
Luke 14v.12: “ Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. 13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. ” When I think about giving to others without expecting anything in return, I think about the way Jesus gave his very life on the cross, knowing that nothing we could ever do would be able to repay that price. I love that for everything Jesus commands, he sets an example by doing it himself to a degree that we could never match. I can’t imagine having Jesus’ level of compassion or heart to give. Being on the HOPE worldwide Singles Corps helped me to see his love in a new light. It was a convicting realization that of the all of the ways Jesus could have spent his time on earth, he spent it having face-to-face interactions with hurting and desperate people. Despite the fact that God knew us intimately even in the womb, he still sent his son to be face to face with us.
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