COVID-19 Blog

Caterpillar Foundation Gives $200,000 Grant to HOPE worldwide for COVID-19 Relief Efforts
By HOPE worldwide September 23, 2021
Caterpillar Foundation has partnered with HOPE worldwide again in bringing relief to the vulnerable communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia with a $200,000 grant. Last year Caterpillar Foundation gave a $207,000 grant that was critical in providing aid at the early stages of the pandemic.
Teleperformance, HOPE worldwide and Feed the Children Respond to COVID-19 Crisis in Ind
By HOPE worldwide July 12, 2021
Teleperformance, HOPE worldwide and Feed the Children have joined forces to support the most vulnerable communities in India during this ongoing, global crisis. Starting July 11, and continuing through the beginning of Sept., HOPE worldwide will work through its network member, HOPE Foundation in India, to provide bags of food for 2,500 families (approximately 10,000 individuals) in and around the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Pune.
HOPE worldwide Receives Its First-Ever Cryptocurrency Donation
By HOPE worldwide May 26, 2021
HOPE worldwide has received a groundbreaking donation in the form of prominent virtual currencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum. In early May a $10,000 donation was gifted by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous to support COVID-19 recovery in India just as the country faces another devastating wave of the virus. As many are suffering due to lack of food, medicine and supplies, we are grateful that market gains are being utilized for good.
By HOPE worldwide April 30, 2021
HOPE worldwide is currently working with HOPEww in India and the leadership of our church partners in India to assess the needs and best ways to assist families and their communities. Our partners on the ground in India have said, “The situation is very grim, and many families are losing loved ones.”
By HOPE worldwide October 15, 2020
Oxfam, an organization focused on the alleviation of global poverty, released a report that showed South Africa as one of the world’s fastest growing epicenters of hunger. As a result of COVID-19, millions have been tipped over the edge into poverty. HOPE worldwide South Africa has been committed to serving young children through their Early Childhood Development programs. Even through the pandemic, God continues to open doors so they can carry on their good work to hungry families in need. With your help, HOPEww South Africa has been able to provide over 40,000 nutritious food parcels as well as thousands of LEGO play blocks to keep homebound children stimulated while schools remain closed. Their usual Parent Support Groups have been modified to encourage parents during these difficult times.
By HOPE worldwide August 17, 2020
Funds are being used to distribute food, PPE and hand-washing units to communities in Indonesia
By HOPE worldwide July 20, 2020
The #GoWithoutChallenge inspired many youth to make sacrifices in their daily lives to raise money for COVID-19 relief!
By HOPE worldwide July 8, 2020
Today’s Youth SpotLIGHT is Sam Ross, a rising senior in high school from Kentucky and a member of NYAC. For her Passion Project she decided to combine her love for service and music into a program called ENCORE.
By HOPE worldwide June 24, 2020
HOPE worldwide has been working with local authorities and other charities throughout the UK to serve people suffering from homelessness and drug addiction for a number of years, and in the current crisis, volunteers still step up to help.
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