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Coronavirus Updates

HOPE worldwide • May 1, 2020

HOPE worldwide  is actively responding to the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are currently deploying relief food and supplies around the world.

Thanks to your generosity, we’ve now received over $2 million for our COVID-19 relief efforts. With your support, we have provided help through 252 church partners in 65 countries, helping to feed over 50,000 people in need. Thank you!

Funds have been sent to Bolivia, Honduras, El Salvador, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, India, Egypt, Mexico, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, Indonesia, Lebanon, Papua New Guinea and many others for those facing extreme food insecurity. We have also engaged our corporate partners to deliver meals, personal protective equipment (PPE) and medicine.

From all of us here at HOPE 
worldwide, thank you for your prayers and support during this unprecedented time.

For current information regarding the coronavirus, please visit the CDC or WHO .


Give the gift of hope during this global COVID-19 crisis.  DONATE NOW   


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Teleperformance, HOPE worldwide and Feed the Children Respond to COVID-19 Crisis in India - (July 12, 2021)

Teleperformance, HOPE worldwide and Feed the Children have joined forces to support the most vulnerable communities in India during this ongoing, global crisis.  Starting July 11, and continuing through the beginning of Sept., HOPE worldwide will work through its network member, HOPE Foundation in India, to provide bags of food for 2,500 families (approximately 10,000 individuals) in and around the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Pune. The more than a weeks’ worth of food supplies for families will be purchased from local vendors in India and assembled by HOPE Foundation staff and volunteers. The volunteers will then deploy to the various communities to distribute the much-needed resources to parents and children. 

Learn More...


Responding to COVID-19 in India - (April 30, 2021)

HOPE worldwide is currently working with HOPEww in India and the leadership of our church partners in India to assess the needs and best ways to assist families and their communities. Our partners on the ground in India have said, “The situation is very grim, and many families are losing loved ones.” We need your support. 



HOPE worldwide Your Gifts At Work - (January 15, 2021)

Thank you for all of the generous gifts you have given this year. Together, we have made a tremendous impact on our brothers and sisters around the globe. During a particularly challenging time, we were able to provide urgent support and inspire greater hope. View some encouraging videos below:


Thank You From Communities Around the World - (November 4, 2020)

Together, we have been able to support our brothers and sisters from communities all around the world. With the help of the LOAVES & FISHES campaign for COVID-19 relief, 45,000 people have been given essential relief supplies during this challenging time. Some of these individuals want to share a message of gratitude with you.

Watch the video now


HOPE  worldwide  Global Highlight: South Africa - (October 15, 2020)

As a result of COVID-19, millions of South Africans have been tipped over the edge into poverty. With your help, HOPEww South Africa has been able to provide over 40,000 nutritious food parcels as well as thousands of LEGO play blocks to keep homebound children stimulated while schools remain closed. 



HOPE  worldwide  receives $150,000 Grant from Citi Foundation for COVID-19 Relief Efforts - (August 18, 2020)

Citi Foundation has provided a generous grant of $150,000 to HOPE  worldwide  for its COVID-19 relief efforts. These funds will be used in Indonesia to support the ongoing needs in the community from the current pandemic. We are extremely grateful for our partnership with the Citi Foundation and their generous donation.

Read the full press release here


Coronavirus HOPE  worldwide  Cancellation Update - (August 3, 2020)  
All Volunteer Corps and Service Corps scheduled for 2020 have been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:
Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


Youth SpotLIGHT: Go Without Challenge (July 20, 2020) 

The #GoWithoutChallenge inspired many youth to make sacrifices in their daily lives to raise money for COVID-19 relief!



Youth SpotLIGHT: ENCORE! (July 8, 2020)

Today’s Youth SpotLIGHT is Sam Ross, a rising senior in high school from Kentucky and a member of NYAC. For her Passion Project she decided to combine her love for service and music into a program called ENCORE.



Coronavirus HOPE worldwide  Cancellation Update - (July 2, 2020)  
Our Nepal Medical Corps 2020  scheduled for September 5 - September 13, 2020 has been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:
Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


HOPE worldwide COVID-19 Global Highlights: UK - (June 24, 2020)  

worldwide  has been working with local authorities and other charities throughout the UK to serve people suffering from homelessness and drug addiction for a number of years, and in the current crisis, volunteers still step up to help.

Read Full Story Here 


Caterpillar Foundation Gives $207,000 Grant to HOPE  worldwide  for COVID-19 Relief Efforts - (June 18, 2020)  

Caterpillar Foundation Gives $207,000 Grant to HOPE
worldwide for COVID-19 Relief Efforts. Funds will be used to distribute food, PPE and to educate families in Indonesia. We are proud to stand together in unity with our partners at the Caterpillar Foundation to bring love and hope to those in need.

Read Full Press Release Here 


Your Gifts At Work, Over $2 Million Raised - Thank You! - (June 12, 2020) 

Only a few months ago, HOPE
worldwide created a COVID-19 relief fund in order to provide immediate help with food and medical supplies. Since then, we’ve now raised OVER $2 million for our COVID-19 relief efforts. With your help, we have impacted 239 church partners in 60 countries, helping to feed over 35,000 people in need.

Learn more here 


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (June 12, 2020)  
Our Nepal YoPro HOPE Youth Corps 2020  scheduled for August 1 - August 9, 2020 has been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:
Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (May 28, 2020)  
Our Guatemala Community Service Brigade  scheduled for  August 2020  has been canceled.
Visit  for more details.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:
Dave Tomlinson, Sr. Director 
Global Disaster Response/Community Service Brigades (CSB)


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (May 26, 2020)  
Our Mexico HOPE Youth Corps 2020 scheduled for July 12 - July 25, 2020 has been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:
Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


$1.5M Raised For COVID-19 Relief - (May 21, 2020) 
worldwide has now sent COVID-19 relief through 203 church partners in 54 countries to help feed over 30,000 people in need.
Read More... 


Coronavirus HOPE  worldwide  Cancellation Update - (May 15, 2020)
Our Philadelphia HOPE Youth Corps 2020
scheduled for July 20 - August 1 has been canceled.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:
Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (May 12, 2020)

  • Our Atlanta HOPE Youth Corps 2020 scheduled for July 6 - July 18 has been canceled.
  • Our Philippines 1 HOPE Volunteer Corps 2020 scheduled for July 16 - July 30 has been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)



Inspired by our talented youth and members of  HOPE worldwide NYAC, SINGHOPE was born. Join us for an amazing concert streamed live on HOPE  worldwide  ’s YouTube channel on Giving Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 8p ET/5p PT to help us raise money for our COVID-19 relief efforts.

CLICK HERE to learn more about SINGHOPE and DONATE.


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (May 4, 2020)

  • Our Kenya HOPE Volunteer Corps 2020 scheduled for June 14 - 27 has been canceled.
  • Our Daytona Beach HOPE Volunteer Corps 2020 scheduled for June 24 - July 2 has been canceled.
  • Our Bahamas 1 HOPE Volunteer Corps 2020 scheduled for July 6 - 18 has been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


HOPE worldwide’s “Loaves and Fishes” Campaign COVID-19 Relief - (May 1, 2020)

The global COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically threatened the health and economic stability of millions of people. This crisis has also taken a particularly enormous toll on the spiritual and emotional well-being of our global family in the poorest regions of the world.


Read Full Story Here


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (April 24, 2020)

Our Northern California HOPE Volunteer Corps 2020  scheduled for July 18 - August 1 has been canceled.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


HOPE worldwide COVID-19 Global Highlights: Papua New Guinea - (April 21, 2020)

HOPE worldwide  Papua New Guinea runs two large health clinics in partnership with the government.

Read Full Story Here


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (April 21, 2020)

Our Honduras Community Service Brigade scheduled for  July 2020  has been canceled.
Visit  for more details.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Dave Tomlinson, Sr. Director 
Global Disaster Response/Community Service Brigades (CSB)


Coronavirus HOPE  worldwide  Cancellation Update - (April 17, 2020)

Our Seattle HOPE Youth Corps 2020  scheduled for June 17-28 has been canceled.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)


HOPE worldwide COVID-19 Global Highlights: SPARK Academy - (April 16, 2020)

Saturday SPARK Academies are offering online programming to their young participants, providing trauma-informed, healing arts activities. Our Chicago Skyline SPARK Academy is adapting to the changing times.


Read Full Story Here


HOPE worldwide COVID-19 Global Highlights: US Chapters (Mask Making) - (April 14, 2020)

HOPE  worldwide  Chapters are hard at work making N95 cover-up masks for medical professionals.

Read Full Story Here


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update - (April 9, 2020)

Our Dallas HOPE Youth Corps 2020 scheduled for July 20 - August 1 has been canceled.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Nadine Templer, Sr. Director 
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)

HOPE  worldwide  COVID-19 Global Highlights: Singapore - (April 9, 2020)

At the beginning of March, HOPE worldwide  increased efforts in support of vulnerable people such as low-income families with young children, seniors living alone, and citizens confined to their homes.


Read Full Story Here


HOPE worldwide COVID-19 Global Highlights: Malaysia - (April 7, 2020)

HOPE worldwide in Malaysia remains dedicated to protecting families and senior citizens in need against food insecurity because of loss of income during this tense and unstable time.


Read Full Story Here


HOPE worldwide COVID-19 Global Highlights: HONG KONG - (April 3, 2020)

HOPE worldwide  Hong Kong provides help and care to low-income families and the elderly, many of whom must wear masks and pay special attention to hygiene and sanitation in this densely populated city of over 7 million.

Read Full Story Here


How is HOPE worldwide responding to COVID-19? Disciples Today Podcast - (April 2, 2020)

From our partners at Disciples Today: "We interview Dave Malutinok, president of HOPEww, and Dr. Marc Aguirre, country director, on how HOPE worldwide is responding to this crisis." Take a listen to their podcast!

Listen Now


How is HOPE worldwide responding to COVID-19? - (April 1, 2020)

The world is forever changed by the impact of COVID-19. Everyone is treading in uncharted waters and adapting and learning every day.  We are all being asked to love our neighbors in need and to answer the call -- what can I do to help?

HOPE worldwide is responding to this global pandemic by staying true to the mission of Jesus -- transforming our world through love and support for our neighbors in need. While some volunteer service trips have been canceled or postponed, our dedicated staff are working around the clock communicating with church leaders, Chapters, partners, donors and volunteers. Our utmost priority is to protect the people and the communities we support, and that has meant changing how we work to follow current government and medical mandates.


Read Full Story Here


Day of Prayer  and Fasting - (March 25, 2020) 

Many of our partners and volunteers have organized a day of prayer and fasting tomorrow,  Thursday, March 26  . We encourage you to participate as we face this global crisis together.

Out of difficulties grows miracles.   - Jean de la Breyere

Learn More


Have hope during this time of uncertainty. (March 24, 2020)

At HOPE worldwide, we believe in the mission of Jesus to transform a hurting world through love and support for our neighbors in need. Especially in this time of crisis, He wants us to love our neighbor! In fact, we have a unique opportunity to do that right now.  Don’t miss it. You were made to make a difference.

An encouraging message from Reese Neyland: Watch the Video

Tips on how to love people during this crisis:

  • Call someone and encourage them.
  • Send a text to a friend or neighbor.
  • Use social media to share a voice of hope and love.
  • Pray with someone using FaceTime or video chat.
  • Share online educational tools/resources with families homeschooling.
  • Order groceries and supplies online for the elderly and those without internet access.
  • Be creative on how we can love digitally.

God is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.


Coronavirus HOPE worldwide Cancellation Update (March 13, 2020)

As of March 13th, 2020 all HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps and Community Service Brigade trips scheduled for after June 1 will go on as planned.  We will update you as the situation changes.

We do want to make you aware of changes and cancellations occurring with HOPE worldwide events scheduled for the next few weeks.

1. Tijuana Community Service Brigade March 26-29 – We have made the difficult decision to indefinitely postpone the March 26-29 CSB.  In consultation with local medical professionals and others and to comply with government meeting and travel guidance it is prudent to postpone this trip.  All registered volunteers will be directly contacted.

2. Trauma Counseling Trip for Hurricane Dorian March 26-29 – A small group of trained mental health professionals were scheduled to travel to Freeport Grand Bahama to continue supporting HOPE  worldwide  Bahamas and the Bahamas International Church of Christ.  We have indefinitely postponed this trip, and the counselors will be working through video conferencing to continue to assist with the recovery.

3. SPARK Academy – In consultation with our partners and local governments, all SPARK Academy events in California and Texas are indefinitely postponed.  HOPE  worldwide  is working with our American Red Cross and local partners to determine how best to continue to serve those affected by disasters. The SPARK Academy in North Carolina is still operating as of today per our local partners.

For local HOPE  worldwide  events we believe you should follow the guidance from the CDC and WHO  along with your local public health agency.

For any additional questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact:

Nadine Templer, Sr Director
International Volunteer Programs (HVC)

Dave Tomlinson, Sr Director
Global Disaster Response/Community Service Brigades (CSB)

Terri Loso, Sr Director
North American Programs

February 24, 2025
A new video shows how your support has impacted those affected by the war in Ukraine over the last three years.
January 29, 2025
HOPE worldwide Has An Exciting New Job Opportunity
January 22, 2025
Watch our new video to see how you impacted over 1 million people in 2024!
January 9, 2025
Read below to see how HOPE worldwide is responding to the Los Angeles wildfire disaster.
December 24, 2024
Check out our 12 favorite stories of impact from 2024!
December 20, 2024
After six inspiring years of compassionate service and outstanding leadership, Dave Tomlinson is announcing his well-deserved retirement. 
December 10, 2024
Learn how HOPE ww Kenya impacts hundreds of thousands of people each year.
November 8, 2024
HOPE worldwide is responding in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and other areas affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
October 25, 2024
The Story of a First Pair of Glasses in Santo Domingo
September 19, 2024
HOPE worldwide Hosts Fun Run in Malaysia to Support Sustainable Agriculture Programs for Low-Income Families
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