After a year of monthly conference calls,
creative fundraisers, and impressive service events, the week we had all been
waiting for finally arrived! Our 2019 Servant Leadership Academy in La Misión,
México certainly did not disappoint- as deep bonds were formed, important
lessons were learned, and many special memories were created.
Our NYAC cohort consists of 28 high school and college servant leaders from all over the country who desire to make an impact within our respective communities. That’s truly what made SLA so incredible- being surrounded by such a like minded group of people who are committed to becoming students of poverty and servants like Jesus. SLA is a great opportunity for us to learn from one another because each member brings unique talents, insights, and perspectives to the table. Not to mention how much fun we had together (oh yeah yeah)- laughing so hard to the point of tears, sharing stories, singing around the campfire, walking countless times up the mountain to pray, playing with the kids, and going to the beach.
We call it a Servant Leadership Academy because that’s what it really is! While we do serve, our main goal over the course of the week is to learn from the people in this beautiful community and from the inspiring people who work full-time at the Door of Faith Orphanage. We are not “saviors” who can come, play with the kids for a week and then leave believing we have had a lasting impact on their lives. Rather, mutuality is key as we strive to create long-term relationships on the basis of humility, respect, and lots of love. As a group, we learned SO many things from our time at DOFO. For example, Heidi reminded us of the significance of doing small things with great love, Juana’s job in the field showed us the importance of hard work and perseverance, Daniel’s story spoke to the power God has to completely transform our lives, Fred’s family is a testimony to how God takes care of us even through difficult times, and the list goes on and on.
Not only did we have the honor of listening to the impactful stories of people in the community, but we had hands-on exercises and classes on topics such as biblical justice (led by HOPE worldwide's very own CEO, Robert Carrillo), racism, privilege, relationships, ways to design effective and sustainable service events, how we should view people in poverty, etc. While giving a lesson titled “Keep the Change: Why our donations are not making a difference,” member Drew Erickson stated that having the heart to serve is not enough, we must be educated and trained on ways to effectively help individuals and communities.
Door of Faith Orphanage is a special place full of staff members, interns, and kids who display the true heart of Jesus and his ministry. With hearts that desire to serve God, the staff members at DOFO have created a positive environment for every child, centered around the importance of family. Not only is the orphan care at DOFO exceptional, but their bakery, print shop, candle-making and greeting card companies teach hard work and responsibility to the kids while giving them real world experience. Leaving with full hearts, it’s been an absolute honor and privilege to host our Servant Leadership Academy at DOFO. As we reflect on the many good things done this past year, we look forward to all that the 2019-20 NYAC term has in store for us!
--Courtney Hiler, NYAC member
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