It’s something you’d expect to see in the movies or read in a novel. An innocent baby bundled up and left outside a fire station or on the front steps of a stranger’s home, left with little hope and an unknown future. What might seem like a story straight out of Hollywood turned out to be David Cole’s reality. At the young age of 5 months, he was left at a train station in the metropolis of Shanghai, China. Now 23, God has shown him what it really means to be a part of an everlasting family.
David’s parents originally wanted to adopt from Japan, but God had other plans. With the help of HOPE for Children (HOPE worldwide ’s former adoption program), they found out that an adoption in China was possible. Expecting a girl at first, David was a welcomed surprise and joined the Cole family, but not without its challenges. For a time, they were unable to leave China due to a government shutdown, and David had to deal with his fair share of speech and physical difficulties. Despite all that occurred in David’s first 11 months of life, God’s love and faithfulness was evident as the Cole family brought their new baby boy home.
Growing up in the warm, historic city of San Antonio, Texas, David didn’t think his upbringing was any different than most. He enjoyed card games and music and was even blessed with the opportunity to travel to 13 countries and 49 states throughout his childhood thanks to family vacations, service trips, and the like. You would never know he was left at a train station as a baby. You would never know he spent months at an orphanage in China and made America his new home at just 11 months old. You would never know by looking at him, and it’s safe to wonder if even he knew, but he did. Deep down, he knew without ever needing to talk about it. Nonetheless, life was normal for him and, dare he say, “boring” until finding a relationship with God and learning what it means to lead, to serve, and to love.
Looking back, David gives a lot of credit to Sahai Fleurant, a friend he met in the teen ministry, for his love and appreciation for service. In fact, there was a time in his life where he considered it a duty and a chore rather than an opportunity and a privilege. However, his parents planted the seed while Sahai watered it and helped it to grow. As a fellow disciple and National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC) member, she inspired David to serve in a bigger way than ever before.
As a sophomore in college, David became a member of NYAC, a group of teens and young adults that organize and lead service projects that support HOPE worldwide . He simply “saw it as something cool” to put on his resume but ended up walking away with a lot more than he expected.
Throughout his participation in NYAC, David learned lifelong skills and gained lifelong friends. One of the first events he put on with NYAC was a citywide summer bash where kids, teens, and parents could come out, have fun, and meet with different colleges. He worked around the clock to ensure it was a success. He got other student organizations on board, talked to various colleges, made announcements at church, and even went door knocking to get the word out. Unfortunately, the attendance was low, and it didn’t produce what he had hoped. After organizing the less-than-stellar event (in his eyes), he learned that it’s okay to take small steps—a tough lesson for someone who was used to going all out, all the time. Instead of trying to carry the whole load, he learned how to delegate and train others. With NYAC, “you are surrounded by a great support system,” David says. In those moments where you seem like a failure, he explains that it’s “okay because you have a great family that will support you and help you.” That’s what a true family is after all, right?
NYAC even changed his career path. Once a computer science major, he decided to major in event management after falling in love with planning projects and organizing events, naturally stemming from all the service work he took part in. Now, he hopes to use what he has learned to impact others in whatever form God has planned. In his words, he is a “forever ambassador for NYAC” and values all of the opportunities, lessons, and growth he experienced in those three special years.
– Olivia Hermosillo, HOPE worldwide Youth Programs Intern
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