See how God provided in an amazing way for Anthony Herrera:
I want to just first off thank the God that I serve! He is a super hero, he surprises me when I don't know it and he reminds me that radical Christianity is Christianity. I have two things I want to share with you all about this life changing fundraiser I experienced this past weekend ! First and foremost, I must thank my amazing boss Tammy Guadagno for allowing me to do these HYC trips and giving me the opportunity to dream! Tammy thank you for your extra-mile heart and desi re to always give back to the community, it multiplies into many people's hearts! This fundraiser Is the most I've ever made before !I made $1,325 from 11-5 and I cannot tell you again that we literally have a father in Heaven that is not a father who created money, he is a father all about the heart!!! If we change our heart he can give us this green paper to go wherever we want to go!
First thing I learned from all of this is that our success comes from opportunities, I am not nearly successful on these fundraisers on my own. It is the people who help me get here that allowed me to become successful! So I want to say THANK YOU EVERYONE for allowing me to be successful! I take no credit and give all my credit back to God! Once again thank you so much guys this means the world to me!!!!! So everyone I want to challenge you take as much opportunities that you can! When God sees your heart he will bring you success.
Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my roommate Gary of what religion means to God:
“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:26-27 NIV
Religion that our father accepts is to be set apart and serve the poor! HYC engraves this new religion in your life forever, you will redefine this lost Christianity in the world and stand out ! So please I dare you guys to speak out loud of your fundraiser, put aside your worries and TRUST that he will bless you! HYC is so life changing, it helps us revive our culture here in America! I pray that God uses my experience to challenge you guys to trust in him more! Be radical in the way you want to fundraise and he will most definitely be radical to you !!!!
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