Kenya: A Watershed Moment in My Life as a Disciple! by Rachel Carr, a teacher from New York City
I am amazed and humbled by the opportunity to have served in Kenya. I have been a disciple for a number of years and could never have anticipated how God used this trip to expose and challenge my heart. Our days were full. Since breakfast was served at 7am, most of us chose to have quiet times with each other early in the morning in order to ensure that we were spiritually ready for the day. Our physical work involved beautifying a school. We painted, made tables, taught vacation Bible school classes, and visited the homes of some of the students. Our spiritual work involved one thing: giving to God and those around us.
I hit emotional walls more than once. I missed the comforts of my American lifestyle and was tempted to say "I've served enough" on more than one occasion. However, God used those around me to show me how amazing it is to give my best at all times. The on-site HOPE worldwide
staff, the other volunteers, and those that we served showed me over and over again the truth of scripture that "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)
As Mark Llorens shared with us, "Volunteer Corps starts when you get back home." My time for growing and changing is not over. It has only begun. I am thankful to God and all those involved for the opportunity to have served in Kenya. I believe it will change the trajectory of my life as a disciple of Christ.
We still have some space on the Nepal and Papua New Guinea Volunteer Corps this coming December. Come and make a difference! For more info:
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