The killing of George Floyd and other recent examples of inhumane treatment have shocked the American consciousness and exposed the brutality of systemic racism and discrimination in our world. Many are being stirred to the realities of injustice, while our Black brothers and sisters are enduring yet another racial trauma.
We at HOPE worldwide
are hurting with you. As Galatians 6:2 reminds us, we are to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” We recognize the extreme pain that the recent events have caused and understand that when one part suffers, every part suffers with it. At HOPE worldwide
we believe that Black lives matter, and we stand with the Black community in pursuit of justice.
In keeping with our mission to bring hope and change lives, HOPE worldwide
strives to be a beacon of love and devotion to hurting people of each race, religion and background. Our organization is committed to fostering an environment of humility, empathy and mutual respect. We acknowledge the importance of adopting an attitude of continual growth, knowing that the only way forward is through intentionally seeking to understand one another’s perspectives. First and foremost, this begins with “loving your neighbor as yourself.”
We at HOPE worldwide
will be praying and fasting as we seek God’s wisdom during this time and invite anyone who can to do the same. We love you deeply and are standing with you.
HOPE worldwide
For any media-related inquiries, please contact us at
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Tax ID number (EIN): 04-3129839
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