"This was my first Hww Singles Corps and what an emotionally charged and eye-opening week it was!
I happen to live in South Africa and had the privilege of serving with my brothers and sisters from around the world. I have driven past many informal settlements before and I came to realize how ignorant I have been to the suffering that haunts communities such as Diepsloot.
It dawned upon me that this is a community. Human beings waking up daily in a community where poverty faces many residents. There is no proper infrastructure, no electricity, and the houses are made of tin, exposing the residents to extreme temperatures. One room could house more than 6 people. The heartbreaking crimes that haunt the community, its children, and its women leave them vulnerable and almost helpless. Even in the midst of what I experienced, what was astounding was seeing how many people wore a genuine smile, and demonstrated incredible resilience.
In light of the above, Our Heavenly Father was certainly intentional in teaching me enlightening spiritual lessons. I have learned to be more like a child, and assume a lowly position with anybody I interact with. I am learning to be present and serving to those who are in need, my family, my work colleagues. I am continuously moved to not only give material things, but also give off my time, and listen to how they are doing as, I am growing to learn that their voices are disregarded and not heard in today’s society. I am growing to be more grateful and content with what I have. I have also been strongly moved to serve and love anybody I may meet. The week had a tremendous impact on my heart.
I give all the Glory to my gracious and loving Father for this opportunity, and I am also thankful to HOPE worldwide for giving me the chance to serve.
This has certainly planted a seed that is urging me to serve in more Hww initiatives, and to be a light for those that may have been forgotten or in need."
Registration for the 2020 service trips opens on December 1! Here is the list of programs: https://www.hopeww.org/hvc
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