I didn’t want to go.
I was raised in the church. Everyone else in my immediate family was a disciple. I studied the Bible for three and a half years from the age of 12 to almost 16. In the years since I stopped studying, I graduated from high school, moved to New York for college, and stopped going to church. I wrestled with my relationship with God everyday. I had so many wrong ideas about who He is. I felt so much pressure, that I couldn’t see God clearly for myself.
Before I left for Zambia, I prayed a prayer that I’d been praying in the five years since I’d stopped studying the Bible, and that was for God to soften my heart to His Word and a relationship with Him. When I finally got to Zambia, after a few days of kicking and screaming, I started developing relationships, and I was able to see God’s love. Those friends showed me God’s Word with no alternate agenda. I saw that I was wrong about God, and about how He felt about me.
In the past, whenever something bad would happen in my life, people would tell me that it was God trying to get my attention or “bring me to my knees,” so I associated Him with every bad thing in my life. Ithought that he wanted me to be miserable. On the trip, one of my friends showed me 1 Timothy 6:17 about how God “richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” My mind was blown that God is actually in all good things, and wants me to enjoy life. That made me want to learn more and see what else I was wrong about.
I started the Foundations of Faith Bible Study Series, by myself, in the airport on the way back to the States. When I returned to Manhattan, I began studying the Bible. After a little over a week, I was ready to make Jesus Lord of my life (but my entire family was out of the country and it was important to me that they be there for my baptism, so I ended up waiting another two weeks). I was baptized on August 26, 2018.
In Zambia, I was able to get away from all the pressure and expectations, and to serve and see God with fresh eyes.
Zoë went to Zambia with her mom, Octavia. Here is a video of their testimony at church after Zoë was baptized:
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